Club gate key is required to access outstation property, open storage shed and turn on electrical power to the docks. Please sign the visitor log in the shed upon arrival.
Limited or no water at Oro Bay. 30-amp power on docks. Outhouses on shore, hand washing station during summer months. 2-Horse shoe pits. Fire wood provided for fire place and fire pit. Gas BBQ located in storage building. Garbage dumpsters at top of lot.
Take I-5 South from Tacoma to exit 129, right on S. 74th St. After approximately 1 mile, turn left on S. Tacoma Way drive .75 miles, turn right on Steilacoom Blvd. Continue 6.5 miles to the Steilacoom/Anderson Island Ferry. For ferry information, call 253-798-2766.
13300 Agate Beach Road Anderson Island WA 98303
Last boat leaving must turn off power and make sure storage building and dock gate are closed and locked.
Members are required to follow TYC's Outstation Rules